In the Beginning, the story of Goal Zero
In 2007, Goal Zero founder Robert Workman was in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with his non-profit TIFIE Humanitarian (www.tifie.org) trying to create jobs and businesses to help families become self-sufficient. He realized one of the biggest hurdles for the Congolese people was having reliable power and light, so he started working on a solution. By 2008, the first Goal Zero product the GoBe (now known as the Escape 150) was designed, created, and taken to the Congo to provide a brighter future for the people there.
Traveling between Congo and the US, Robert realized this portable power solution could change lives everywhere, not just in 3rd world countries. A team of engineers and product developers came together to design and engineer a line of reliable portable solar power products including solar panels and battery packs. And soon after, Goal Zero was born.
Since then, TIFE and Goal Zero have worked hand in hand bringing light and power to villages around the world – from Congo to Indonesia, to Haiti and the Rockaways.
Our humanitarian-heavy hearts continue to find ways we can give people power and peace of mind. When Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast we didn’t hesitate. We packed up a diesel freight trailer and hit the road. People from all over the world wanted to help as well. So we created a platform that allowed them to, we called it "You Buy One, We Give one". In less than 2 weeks we raised over $500,000.00 for people on the East Coast, living without power after Hurricane Sandy.
“We feel it is extremely important to understand our roots, as they are the driving force behind what we do and why we do it. Where did Goal Zero come from, what is Goal Zero all about, and why are we different from everyone else?”
Goal Zero isn't just a company, it's a business created by people who live life to its fullest, with a shared vision inspired by the passion for adventure, respect for the planet, and a humanitarian heart. We're a company that equips families and individuals seeking to improve the outdoor experience with the most innovative portable power products on the market. Field-proven in some of the most remote places on earth, we are working to continually deliver smart, innovative power solutions that will change the way you adventure.
"You Buy One, We Give One" was the beginning of something huge! We're excited to continue banding GZ nation together to Share the Sun with the world. Stay tuned next Tuesday to learn more about how we're growing our humanitarian efforts.